Private Credit

Write to [email protected] for more info for any of the following direct lending (30 day to 2 yr) opportunities:

SG Holdco w/ Telco Tower Assets in SE Asia Borrowing USD 12M @ 10% APY (Debt)

  • SG holdco w/ telco tower business (for mobile broadband) where they own shares in and operate entities in the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Myanmar
  • Seeking USD 12M having borrowed USD 8M from Maybank, in order to purchase smaller competitor in Malaysia, with collateral available from USD 50-60M worth of shares they own in #2 player in telco towers in Philippines, where key shareholder is Macquarie
  • Paying Maybank 5.65%, and willing to pay 10-12% w/ tenure @ 12-24 months

20-90 Day Lending (20-250k tickets via FXD USD stablecoin on XDC blockchain) w/ 12-16% APY (Debt)

  • Opportunity to get into cross-border trade finance, one of the safest instruments
  • Unmet trade finance gap was $2.5 Tr in the year 2023 as ADB
  • With countries agreeing to accept digital trade documents (MLETR adoption) comes a life time opportunity to enter Trade Finance
  • Singapore started Fintech combines, Technology, Standards and Liquidity to offer a digital solution to redefine the global Trade Finance Industry
  • Offer liquidity by on-boarding into a MAS regulated custodian
  • Liquidity is offered trade by trade in exchange of digital trade title documents, lending is usually for 15-90 days and expect returns of 12-16% per annum
  • Entire process is supported by the ETA which was amended to adopt the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records (MLETR) in 2021 by Singapore
  • UK, France, Bahrain, Paraguay, UAE and many more joining this initiative.
  • Singapore takes a lead with its early ETA adoption and working closely with countries like UK, US and China.
  • Co-founders have deep experience of Technology, Trade Finance and Trade documentation